Monday, January 27, 2014

Chinese New Year

Dear Friends and Family,
Things this past week were good; and we got more to look forward to this week! Its Chinese New Year! What that means for missionary work is essentially the same thing; however, we just have half the people to work with. Hong Kong people may not always like Mainland--and they sure do trash-talk it--however, they spend long weekends up there. So with Chinese New Year this weekend we will be working on finding some new investigators from the dregs that are left in Hong Kong. Should be a really good opportunity to contact families! The whole mission will also use one of the days to "Deep Clean" our apartments. Basically an 8-10 hour day of cleaning EVERYTHING in the apartment and purging old missionary trash and treasures. Last year we made it fun by blasting MOTAB and EFY music and going out for all three meals that day.

So, since I last got on like 4 days ago, honestly not a ton has happened. I did get a nice package from my family though! Complete with Christmas cookie and a personal mini carrot cake! Thank you to my parents' friends, the Baughmans, for bringing it all the way over and basically dropping it right at my door (not quite, but almost!) I'm taking my time and relishing it, so it's still not gone! Nothing like a good taste of home amid all the rice and stir-fries I eat. :) Let's be honest, if I were home I would be wanting Chinese food so I might as well get it while I can.

Yesterday at church we had a pretty poor turn-out from ward members and investigators. Kinda low numbers, however, it was still a great opportunity because on Saturday we went to the church with our recent convert, A-F, and we had a role play on how to pass the sacrament. He passed with flying colors and so then when he did it the next day in a nice white shirt that Elder P gave him, he pretty much radiated. He was one of two YM at church yesterday and by the time YM class came around he was the only one there. So we hopped into YM with him. We had him, two missionaries, the bishop, and the YM President all in there talking about the Priesthood and its blessings. I can't think of a better way to spend that hour! The Spirit was strong, we had a good discussion, and lots of good insights were brought out. A-F has been called as the new Priest Quorum 1st Assistant, so right after church he went into a BYC style meeting and came out an hour later telling us about the newest YM/YW activities that are coming up. He's responsible for one of them and promised us that he will try his hardest to bring referrals for us! :) Haha you pretty much wouldn't have guessed he was baptized less than a month ago!

I love you all! Keep up the good work!
Elder Siebach

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