Wednesday, January 22, 2014

So Many Things...Lead Us to Know There is a God

Things have been absolutely phenomenal this past week and a half.  Seriously, such good things happening! The greatest of all was that we had a baptism for Al-- this past week! He has been investigating on and off for 2-3 years. Tithing and negative literature from his long-term girlfriend kept him from being baptized back then. But as we've been meeting with him for the last couple months there has been a noticeable change in Al--. He seems more at peace, happy, and good-natured! Not to say he wasn't before. But, really, he's expressed to us multiple personal testimony growing experience--specifically in regards to prayer and reading in the Book of Mormon. It's been a blessing for me to see him go from reading and praying a few times a week to the point that now, when he has questions at work, he opens his desk drawer and reads a passage from the Book Of Mormon. He mentioned that every time he does this, he feels like what he reads is inspired for that moment and gives him the courage and lift that he needs! I swear I learn more than he does when we meet with together!

About 2 weeks ago Al-- graduated from the Accounting program he was in and now is looking for a full-time job and some financial security so that he can get married and move into his own apartment. So you can imagine my concern as we've been telling him these past weeks to read daily, come to church weekly, and give tithing! I was a little stressed to say the least. But as usual, faith overcame his fears and I'm happy to say that this past Sunday, at his request, I was able to help baptize him! It was a small meeting, not a ton of members and none of the food like there was at A-F and An--'s baptism, however, it was as it needed to be. The Spirit was there, the close friends and ward members he knew were there too.

Its been a really humbling experience for me to realize that I'm the one that is receiving these blessings but not really doing all that much for it. The Lord has been working on these people long before I ever got to Tuen Mun. I'm just harvesting the fruits of it. I'm the simple laborer.

These past 3 baptisms in the ward have really emptied our teaching/progressing investigator pool and so we are pretty determined to hit the streets hard and bring in new people. Maybe we can get some ward referrals too! That hasn't happened since I've been here...

This past week we were able to meet with An-- and answer some of the questions she has about the temple and what she needs to do to help her deceased ancestors. It's really been on her mind lately. She came to us earlier this week expressing fear over having seen her mother and father in dreams recently. She has a lot of desire to get started on their work and expressed that that's what she knows her parents want done as well! What a cool thing to hear about! I've never had these kinds of dreams, but it really is the Lord working and gently leading her along!

A-F is doing incredible! We had a new member fireside last Sunday and he was asked to bear his testimony and I think its the most I've ever heard him speak! He spoke for 5-7 minutes explaining that he had seen the missionaries so many times and the Spirit had impressed him to learn more but that he was always to scared and shy to approach them. Finally he resolved that he would reach out and contacted the church through Two months later he is now baptized, ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood, and this coming week will be passing the Sacrament!

Lots and lots of miracles happening! Lots to be excited about! The only thing I'm dreading is transfers when Elder P goes home! We're working really well together and our lessons feel pretty boss (the ones we plan for that is--ha!).

This past week I also had the opportunity to go to Butterfly area with Elder F and conduct an exchange. We had a full day of finding and almost walked the entire Butterfly area. But it proved to be very fruitful as we got 10 or 11 numbers, taught a couple street lessons, and found 2 new investigators! Butterfly hasn't had a baptism in over 2 years but those Elders have expressed that they really feel that the area is different than it was even 2 months ago! I think it's the Lord working! Good things to come!

It really is such an incredible thing to be a missionary! So many things come up each day that just lead us to know that there is a God. He does care. This is is work. 

Unfortunately we had an investigator drop us this week. Rather we dropped him because he wouldn't keep commitments and tried to argue that God and Christ couldn't possibly exist. You had to be there to know that there was no Spirit in that meeting. However, I felt totally calm as we listened to him and Elder P testified, our fellowshipper testified, and then I testified and there was a powerful spiritual manifestation for the 3 of us; but not for the investigator. It caused me to reflect on the Lamanites when they were in the prison and looking at the faces of Nephi and Lehi as they conversed with angels. Each Lamanite had to pray to believe. They had to invite the Spirit and then each one had an individual pillar of fire around them. I think that's how the Spirit is. It envelops the one. Not the mass. It can testify and impact me but that won't translate to others unless they are willing to exercise faith, or 'even desire to believe'.

I feel like I'm learning so much right now as a missionary. I'm so happy to hear about your missionary experiences too and see how the Lord is guiding his work in your wards and stakes. Keep up the good work! I love you all! I gotta go get changed into temple clothes! 
Elder Siebach

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