Monday, July 9, 2012

Happy Week 7!

Dear Friends and Family,
Great week here in the MTC! Before I begin with the nitty gritty I want to thank everyone for their letters--Especially the Zimmermans who sent out Bishop Johnson's remarks for Christians funeral. I could feel the spirit and love that had been conveyed in that message. I also want to thank the Tietjen's who sent me a 4.05 LBS brownie via DearElder. I single-handedly ate it...with the help of an entire floor of missionaries (probably about 25 or 30 missionaries). It was huge and really tasty so thank you from all of us to you! I'm going to get fat out here considering how much I sit, eat, study, and don't have enough gym time... Therefore, mom, in answer to your question about my cookie request, I would like either none, or the healthiest, tastiest ones that I can share with all. 
So the grand count is that after today I have 27 days left, and I have been here 47 so far! Chugging right along and getting really excited to leave! The Devotional update:
Elder Kikuchi spoke to us on Tuesday this week! He did such a good job and really drilled into us the importance of showing willingness to follow the missionary way. He mentioned that it is not willingness to get up at 6:30 each morning since that is mandatory, if we were really showing willingness we would get up even 5 minutes before to prepare and make ourselves ready for the day. It made me reflect because I usually get up 5 minutes before but that is so that I can get a shower before they are all taken, so maybe there are some things that I could work on so that I could better show my willingness and resolve to be a great missionary for the Lord. On Wednesday we had another special devotional because it was the 4th of July. For this we had a Brother Stott come a speak to us, he is a local man who has had some responsibilities in the MTC and is a retired judge. He spoke about the miracle of gospel and how it is no coincidence that technology has significantly improved in the time since the Restoration. Wednesday was a bit of an interesting day because it followed a different schedule than is typical for a Wednesday and people didn't know where to be when. So that devotional started at 8:45 but the whole auditorium was full but 8:00 so President Brown led us in singing Happy Birthday to some people (including someone whose birthday is on Christmas), and we all sang and acted out "Once There was a Snowman" and "Popcorn Popping"--I guess it's fine for use to just never grow up :) We also sang to 4 Elders who had received Dear John's while here in the MTC. One of the Elders that went up I recognized as being in my same hall for classrooms and I talked with him afterwards--the letter he showed me was brutal! He laughs at it now but sheesh. I'm glad I went out with no one waiting. After the devotional, which had a number of musical numbers, we then went to the front of the MTC, all got an ice cream bar and watched fireworks until 11:00! It was a blast! I found Elder Park from the stake and he and I talked and hung out during those festivities.
Last night in the fireside we heard from the MTC Administering Director Richard Heaton. He had really timely insights for me about teaching investigators who have no knowledge about prayer, and how they can receive answers. I really appreciated his stories that he shared with us about his recent trip to Japan and sitting in on missionary lessons.
A quick word to dad: keep sending out news on the politics of Hong Kong! We're all blown away and exicted to hear more!
A quick word to mom: I'm super bummed to hear that Lambert Park went up in flames! Hopefully there will be new saplings growing in 2 years when I get back. Every day I dream about going on hikes and mountain biking! Besides missionary work, then and being with family, that is what I want to do most right now.
Elder Christensen and Tietjen leave this week so that leaves me as the only Southlake representative until Tucker the week after I leave! It's fine though because I see plenty of other people from prior wards daily. Speaking of which, Elder Michael Cormier came in this week so it's been nice to see him once in a while!
In my personal study this week I have  spent a lot of time trying to prepare appropriate lessons for our investigators and I think that  we are making really good progress. Daily as a companionship we will practice our lessons in Cantonese as well as one of us will pose an an investigator and the other two of us will work to determine his needs and try and teach a relevant lesson. I feel like I'm taking lots of very little baby steps here. I don't make giant leaps but slowly but surely I feel that I am getting it. I have been blessed with a great love for my investigators already and always pray for them and work to understand them and their concerns. A couple times in the lessons this week we didn't understand what was said but I would be able to pick out a word or two and feel that the Spirit helped me understand the concern because when I answered I could see the investigator's eyes light up with understanding. We've had no baptisms yet, but I think we can get one or two in the near future. Also in my personal study I have come across a few passages that I think are great for missionary work. If you care to read them, they are Alma 38 and Alma 42:31. Alma is a boss!
This Thursday morning as I was doing my personal study before breakfast elderly couple missionaries came up to me and gave me the address of their granddaughter who was falling away from the Church and asked me to write her this week and maybe bear my testimony and try to give comfort to her today so that is on my docket for today.
Oh, and by the way, we got our new district of Cantonese Elders and Sisters this past week! We now have 6 Elders and 4 Sisters learning Cantonese in the MTC! Woot woot! They seem pretty cool so far. Not especially keen to keep to mission rules yet or even be that talkative, but I think that will come with time. It's amazing to me how every district has different dynamics and strengths. 4 of the 5 of them are going to HK, and one elder is going to Sydney Australia.
This past Sunday I also gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. Each week every Elder and Sister is expected to prepare a 3-4 minute talk that they would be able to share if called upon. Well, this week it came. I spoke on the Atonement and felt really good about it! I can't hardly say anything conversational, but I know how to testify and teach the doctrine!
Hope you all have a great week! I will try my best to write back to all of you individually as the time permits! Love you all.
Elder Leslie Spencer Siebach1

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