Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 3

Hey! It's me again.
Just wrapped up week 3 and heading into week 4. I've now been here longer than any of the English elders. Few thoughts that I had this week that I want to share with y'all. Firstly, Lehi receives the plates (which have a history of his forefathers) and his next two children are named Joseph and Jacob...House of Israel reference maybe? And hoping that they would remember the names of their forefathers. In 2 Nephi 5:23 it talks about the cursing that comes upon the Lamanites and their skin of blackness. Made me wonder if maybe Nephite dissenters would receive a skin of blackness. When Alma meets Ammoron at Helam would Ammoron have been cursed? Lastly, In Jacob 7 we hear the story of Sherem. It says that he came in among the people (from out of town) and became expert in their language. Makes me think that maybe he had to learn their language. Where would he have come from? The Jaredites? The people of Zarahemla? Anyway, just some thoughts I've been having as I've read this week. Answers would be appreciated if anyone can shed any light on these.
One evening at dinner this week I sat by a companionship of missionaries who had just come into the MTC this last week. Both from Utah, both headed to St. Louis. What was interesting to me was that one elder, Elder D'Wart, had a suit on, a vest under that, a pocketwatch, and he had fashioned out of chainmail a tie for himself. It was bizarre. The knot was brass, and the long part of the tie was silver. It was all I could do to keep from laughing at him!
I'm not sure if my family ever knew the Hunsakers when we lived in Tokyo. But I knew their son, Morgan, and I ran into him this week. He's been here two weeks, actually lives on my same residence floor and hall, and is going to Bangkok, Thailand. His family now lives in Hong Kong so he wants me to look them up when I get there. It was great to see him especially since it's been 7 years since I have. There are a lot of people from my BYU ward here as well and it's fun to bump into them on pretty much a daily basis!
My companion, Elder Wu, may be leaving with the other Hong Kong district in 2 weeks. He is fluent in Cantonese and could probably do more work out in the field. I will be sad to see him go, but if he does it will leave Elder Allen, Elder Parker, and I in a tri-panionship.
In the older Cantonese district there is an Elder Templin whom we fasted for this week. A few months back he tweaked his ankle and its still in pretty rough shape. At the doctors this week they said that he had torn some of his tendons in his heel and something about how there was muscle rubbing in between his joints. He says he feels fine most of the time and it doesn't hurt to walk. He is trying to get the go-ahead to head out to Hong Kong and get surgery after the mission. If he gets surgery now it will be 6 months to a year before he will fully recover, and he's 24 so a mission might not be in the cards after that. Hopefully all will be well there.
My branch president, President Miller, was released this Sunday. The MTC president, President Brown, sat in our Sacrament service so that was really cool! I didn't know President Miller well but he still made a favorable impact and I am sad to see him gone. One interesting thing is that the first night I got here I was interviewed by him and he recognized my last name. Turns out he was also the Branch president for Sam Siebach when he was going through!
Speaking of Siebachs, a couple weeks ago I sat down to lunch with my district and unknowingly sat next to Sister Siebach! I don't remember where she is going, just that she is Spanish-speaking, and one of Henry's grandchildren I believe.
Yesterday I got to listen to Music and the Spoken word. It was so nice! I loved being able to at least hear some music while i'm here! Hopefully I'll be able to listen each week. I made it a goal for myself to one day be in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I don't know how it's going to work out, but I guess I'll be living in Utah for at least some portion of my adult life for it to happen.
I teach just about every day while here in the MTC and have two investigators, A-hei and Kim. However, on Saturdays I get to go share a lesson in the TRC. These volunteers at the TRC are Cantonese speaking ward members and my object is to teach them a short lesson, this week was on prayer, and to work on my conversational speaking and carrying on a conversation. This week Elder Wu did almost all of the talking because I don't really know much outside of gospel terms. It was still really fun to talk with the volunteers. Many of them had served missions in Hong Kong or were from Hong Kong.
My two investigators are doing great and Elder Wu and I have committed them to read and pray daily. We'll see this evening how they are doing. This week our goals are to invite them to church and extend baptismal commitments. Wish us luck. We will also be focusing on learning how to teach the second lesson on the plan of Salvation.
This morning my Hong Kong zone (11 of us) got to go to the temple. It was a great experience for all of us, and guess who we bumped into in the changing room! President Hawks! We chatted with them for a few minutes but they had to rush to get to their Language Tutor. They looked so happy and nice! I can't wait to work with them! They will be coming by our two districts this next Saturday to speak with us! I'll be in their first district that they welcome to Hong Kong. Something I feel kind of proud of!
Great week, and learned a lot. I also want to thank my parents for promptly taking care of all my needs and sending a CD player, headphones, and food! Its great to get letters from everyone. However I don't get mail on Saturday or Sunday so make sure you send it before so that I can read and respond today (Monday).
I love and am thinking of all of you! Thank you for your prayers. I feel their influence and heaven knows I need it.
Elder Spencer Siebach

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