Thursday, November 7, 2013

Home Away From Home

Dear Friends and Family, 

Things have been absolutely crazy this past week. So much going on and it never feels like we have enough time. It's all good though. It's missionary work and it's a process, not a destination. 

Sorry about the late letter again. We had temple day today and I forgot to inform y'all. The temple was great as ever and I ran into members from my previous two wards, Sister Bradford (from our ward in Japan) was in the temple, and Brother Lewis (served a mission with Siebach grandparents) conducted the Endowment session. It's so interesting to see people from just about everywhere imaginable. Speaking of other people in the mission. I haven't had an opportunity to shake Elder Sheffield's hand yet (young man from our Tokyo ward). I think I saw him yesterday from across an intersection, but I'm pretty sure he didn't see me and I had to go the other direction. Sister Parker (daughter of Ben's college roommate), well she is in my Zone and District now! I feel like I run into her at least 3 times a week. The mission is like a weird collage of home away from home:) 

Last week I had the opportunity to go on exchanges again. This time I left Tuen Mun and I went into Yuen Long and spent the day with Elder M (he was in the group right behind me in the MTC). Nice to see him again. We did a lot of knocking, found a potential family, and then taught a lesson to a guy who unfortunately lives on the Mainland. Still a good lesson though! He lives way out in the boonies. The apartment is super big and super nice, but it just doesn't feel like Hong Kong way out there! Refreshing to have clean air! 

Speaking of air, last week my companion, Elder L, and I came back from a night of finding and were eating a late dinner. I'm one of those guys who always looks out the window at the city around and I got fixated on a certain spot on the mountain where I hadn't noticed lights before. Through the evening haze and smog we determined that they weren't lights at all, but that there was a mountain fire! (I don't know if "mountain fire" makes sense in English, but that's how they say it here. Maybe I should have added a preposition or something...) Anyway, that was fun to watch. They had it under control about the time we were going to bed. The smog of the city hasn't cleared enough for me to get a good view of the burn zone yet. 

Here is a missionary story for you. One day we had about an hour to go finding before we had to go home and take care of some other matters. We decided to go to a mountain village near the church. We were in our suits hiking up this mountain and just getting turned down right and left (they tend to be a lot more traditional Chinese in these villages). Dogs were barking, it was kinda late, and so I was thinking, "Let's just come back when it's light; we'll find somewhere else to knock tonight. We stuck with it though and with about 20 minutes to go we hit the highest point of this village. Knocked, 4 dogs are practically plowing the fence over as we shout out, "Anyone home?". A shirtless 12 year old boy calls off all the dogs and then his 20-something year old sister comes out as well. We say who we are and why we are there and they, in almost a completely natural matter-of-fact manner say, "ok, well come in then." So there you have it. We taught a lesson and gave a Book of Mormon. They're kinda busy with school and part-time work, but when it's convenient we'll definitely see them again! Sometimes we missionaries may have to sweat through our suits, hike mountains, and fight off vicious dogs and any manner of living things. It reminded me of how we need to have FAITH and WORK to get blessings. 

This past week we've been really busy with Zone Leader assignments and lessons! We've been blessed with some new investigators too. The HungShuiKiu Sisters have been working with a guy named J. He's 21 and a college student studying Philosophy and he's really interested in the church! A few weeks ago the sisters had already scheduled him with a baptism date for December. We had a turn over lesson with him early this week and taught him the Plan of Salvation. We're excited to keep working with him! 

Another guy, also named J (but we will call him A-Fung) was a self-referral. He was contacted by Elders a long time ago, had a tour of the Stake Center last Christmas, but was too busy to take lessons. He found the church again through and requested to meet with missionaries! He's looking for a place to worship and was impressed by the church last year. We are definitely willing to help him find a place to worship...and the fullness of the gospel while we're at it! 

This past week in church was super good! We had 7 investigators in attendance, I bore my testimony and shared Alma 29:9, and then in Elders Quorum Elder L and I were also called on to give a 10 minute thought on Home Teaching. It went well. I think the ward is at 2% on Home Teaching right now.. 

The work is super exciting! Yesterday Elder L and I were in Kowloon Tong for Mission Leadership Council where we got new instruction from the APs, President Hawks, and the Online Elders. Lots of good goals and things going on in Hong Kong right now! We are not growing right now however. For the next 5 months the number of missionaries will only decrease, so all the more reason to work even harder! Tomorrow is Zone Training and we get to present this next month's goals to the Zone and get everybody pumped up! 

I'll be sad to see Elder L go home next transfer. The good thing is, he lives about 25 minutes away, and I'm sure I can reach him in case something just goes haywire:) 

Last thought. Read Jacob 6:5 and D&C 88:40.

Jacob 6:5
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I beseech of you in words of soberness that ye would repent, and come with full purpose of heart, and cleave unto God as he cleaveth unto you. And while his arm of mercy is extended towards you in the light of the day, harden not your hearts.

D&C 88:40
For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own; judgment goeth before the face of him who sitteth upon the throne and governeth and executeth all things.

These two scriptures talk about cleaving to different things. D&C is talking about how like things attract each other i.e. light, knowledge, wisdom etc... and then Jacob is talking about how God cleaves to us, and we should cleave back. It made me think: God is perfect; He is what we want to be. The only reason we wouldn't want to embrace Him is because of our own selfish interests. However, when we put off the natural man we become as He is, and there is therefore an attractive force in place because we become 'like' beings. So... I hope you followed my thought. It's hard to write out, but the answer is Consecration of OURSELVES. 

I hope everyone is healthy and well! Keep working hard! I hope you guys are praying for and looking for missionary opportunities every day! 
Elder Siebach. 
P.S. Pictures will hopefully be coming soon. 

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT blog!! Absolutely love reading missionary experiences so close to our "home" for a year! We love China!!!! Way to go Elder Siebach!!!


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