Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wow--6 Months!

Dear friends and family,
Ok, ok. I actually have 4 days until I hit my 6 months. Nevertheless, its coming up! Congrats to all the people who got mission calls recently! Everyone is going to some sweet missions, unfortunately not the best one (Hong Kong of course). I also want to thank everyone for their letters! I got 7 letters this week! I will do my best to respond soon, but please be patient with me. I don't have a lot of time to email today, so I won't be sending any photos this week. sorry. I do have some though.
Things on this end of the world are going pretty well for the most part. I mentioned a few weeks ago that we had baptismal goal of three for this month. As of yesterday we now don't have a goal because upon talking with our investigators (S, A, and C) we have determined to postpone until December so that they can really feel comfortable and solid. The word of wisdom is the real hang-up for people here. Tea is very traditional, and as such, is taken at every meal. Not to mention that many people smoke (some starting as young as 12 or 13). So, I'm sad I have to mention that, but we hope for a baptism on December 2 for Co. (an 18 year old former investigator), and A and C both on December 16. S is a ways out (in February at her insistance) because she is worried about how fast she will be able to quit smoking and drinking tea. All four of these investigators are going in faith, especially the two women, so we are pleased with this and hope it continues.
On Tuesday of this week Elder B and I went finding on the street outside our apartment for an hour in the afternoon and actually had really good success! 3 people stopped in that time and listened to a quick message. One of the men I stopped is 23 year old A. He was just coming back from a job interview and just looked really happy when I approached him. We talked for a good while and I invited him to come play Badminton on Wednesday night with us. He came, and afterwards we shared a very fast Restoration lesson with him and gave him a Book of Mormon. We also rescheduled to meet with him on Saturday. Saturday came, we watched 15 minute Restoration movie, and had a great discussion about the feelings of the spirit. He also accepted a baptismal date! Pretty excited about what has happened in just a few days with this man. Unfortunately he didn't make it to church, thats alright though for right now and we will continue to meet with him.
S, a 28 year old half-Thai woman that was an investigator referral from a few months ago met with us this week! She has been hard to get scheduled because of various family and school conflicts but she is really golden! This past week we taught her the Plan of Salvation and the Word of Wisdom. She missed church because of sickness (she is really sick all the time, don't know why, but you can just tell physically from her appearance, it's not just an excuse). She'll definitely be baptized soon though.
A and C, are doing everything that they should be doing--giving up things for the word of wisdom, reading, praying, coming to church. I met with them yesterday and just had a really good heart-to-heart and asked them how they felt about their baptism if it was to happen next week as was originally planned. They think the church is good, they like the members, doctrine, and missionaries, but they don't think they've gotten answers to their prayers. I don't know what else to tell them than to just continue. It's hard though because they're both so good but they've been 'trying' for a few months now. I'm worried they will just give up on getting an answer to the Book of Mormon.
I don't know much about Co because when Elder B and I split for lessons and have a member fellow-shipper, he always teaches her. But she seems to be doing really well. And she was a former so she knows all the material.
I've told you about Mrs. J and Y. Two sweet ladies who often give us food, and interested in religions. We went to Pizza Hut with them this Wednesday night and had a great discussion about forgiveness, and baptism. Figured out that Mrs. J's concern is that she is afraid of commitment. In that moment I had one of the most powerful spiritual promptings I've had one my mission and I felt that I needed to share something I had heard earlier this week about the Standard Works as well as address commitment. The spirit was very strong and I knew she knew that I really cared about her, and that her Heavenly Father cares even more. I want to share what I learned with y'all since it's like revelation to me. The D&C teaches how to set up Zion in the Latter-days, The Bible and Pearl of Great Price show Jesus' dealings and life and ministry, and the Book of Mormon brings us unto Him. I love it. So simple and gives a whole new meaning to the 4 standard works.
Wednesday morning we had our quarterly Multi-Zone Training Meeting/Conference. Really good and there was a lot of learning and teaching about being sanctified. We also did a lot of practicing at delivering street messages too, which I thought was very helpful because I always need to improve in that.
This week Elder B has been sick for most of it and as such, resting/sleeping. We weren't nearly as productive as I would have liked, but I understand. As well as it gave me ample time to study language and scriptures. I spent about an hour in the Book of Mormon, an hour in PMG, and an hour in Jesus the Christ when I read.
This week I also went to a Japanese food store called 759 and guess what I found!?!?! CALPIS! I know that only my family knows about this drink, but it's a yogurt/water drink that is SO good! I missed it and was sad when I didn't find it in most stores. Really good after 7 years of not drinking it.
Hope everyone is having a good week! Love you all!
Elder Siebach
P.S. I got the package mom! Thank you!

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