Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hello from the Jungles of South China

Dear Friends and family,
Once again, I am emailing from the same lab that I was in last week, so, no pictures... Perhaps next week? Been a really good week here in Heung Gong (pronounced Hurn Gong, meaning "fragrant Harbour, or HK).
I forgot to share that two weeks ago from tomorrow I had mission tour. A sweet, once-a-year experience where Zones meet and spend half a day hearing from the Mission President and other church high-ups. Really good experience and heard a lot that I could apply into my life. One thing that really stuck out to me and I have been pondering the last couple weeks was a quote from President Hawks. He related a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he had of flying with the Blue Angels. Talked about how the G forces were much worse than he expected, but the reward was so much better with such a unique opportunity. He related our missions to this. I get to set aside two years of my life and not think about expenses beyond that of food and travel. No family to take care of, no rent to pay, no school sucking my funds. Just me and the Lord. So that is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But then he talked about how our lives are once-in-an-eternity experiences. Kind of mind-blowing to think about. But these 2 years will make some of the greatest difference in my eternal progression if I let them. They can change my forever, my eternity, into something greater than if I had not gone. When I think about this it gives me further resolve to work harder, be happier, walk further, and just all-round be better. So my mission: "A once-in-a-lifetime experience, in a once-in-an-eternity experience." I encourage anyone who is on the fence about a mission and the sacrifices required therein to think about this and how there are only potential rewards to a mission. Absolutely nothing bad can happen unless you let it.
Anyway, that was all two weeks ago. Let's talk about this week.
Last Friday we had a Zone Find. Meaning the 24 missionaries or so met up and went on 3 hour splits with some other missionary. I went with an elder who is a Hong Kong native, and next transfer will leave the mission. He is also one of the Zone Leaders. Super humble, quiet, but extremely powerful missionary. Had a great spirit about him as we went finding in Sai Wan Ho and taught a lesson to two 16 year old boys. That night after the find, I met back up with my comp. We have been asked by a member to teach Chinese to her non-member, American husband. Don't ask me why the native Cantonese wife can't do it, but nonetheless, she trusted us to help him for an hour or so. I have a new respect for language teachers because it really wasn't easy. This will probably be something we do weekly, so hopefully my abilities will grow as well as that we will get some materials to give him to help him study. This past week we also met with one of our investigators, K, and taught him the 3rd lesson, where he had some questions about the Word of Wisdom. Everything that the Word of Wisdom asks us not to do, he himself has a problem with. Nonetheless he wants to conquer these things and we extended a baptismal date that he accepted! The last week in October! Super pumped for that, and just hope that we can be good supports to him and help him overcome. If you remember the family I helped move last week. Turns out that I wasn't moving them. I was moving their sister-in-law or something. So good news is that we still have their 9 year old son as an investigator. And he wants to get baptized. So we have him set for October too, but now we just have to work some magic with his parents who are worried that church will cut into his school studies.
This past Monday was Zone 24's. Meaning splits with another missionary in the zone for 24 hours. Something I wasn't really looking forward to because I found out that I would be staying in the ChaiWan area, meaning that my companion was leaving and I would become the Senior companion for that day. I thought for sure they would give me an experienced missionary to go with, but to my surprise they put me with an Elder from my older district in the MTC. Neither his Cantonese or my Cantonese are phenomenal obviously, but strangely I was just at peace as he and I went to go finding that afternoon. We made a number of contacts and handed out a pamphlet and lots of pass-along cards. It really made me stretch because I was the Senior Companion and we had to work really hard with our language, but I know that the Lord really supported me because I did better than just about any other time before, or since, at explaining concepts. That evening we went to a "gaai sih" or street market, which can be an unsanitary experience, but we were careful about what we ate, and it helped me become more like the locals as dad has encouraged.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we had pretty good days and had one scheduled lesson each day. Tuesday after our lesson we went finding in remote Siu Sai Wan. Super rainy day so we thought it would be hard to contact people but turns out everyone we contacted stopped and listened! Even got a lesson with 3 boys.
This week the Asia Area Mission Presidents are in Hong Kong having training in our chapel so yesterday we ran into them as they were leaving. I saw President and Sister Moon from Alpine, UT. They are the Cambodian Mission Presidents, and I met President and Sister Senior from the Thailand Bangkok mission. Turns out they have lived in Alpine, and are most recently from Flowermound, Texas! Small world! Also saw President Hawks in that encounter and he told us that next week we will be moving to a new apartment in Shau Kei Wan. Pumped for that and for the prospect of a working A/C unit! Woot woot. I would assume that we would move on P-day so I may not get off an email next week, just a heads up.
Today 7 or so companionships went to Cheung Chau (pronounced Churn Zow) for the day. This is an island off Hong Kong and it was really cool! Spent the day exploring and walked pretty much the whole island. Everyone says this island is haunted because there is a huge cemetary and crematorium near the peak. Also a pirate cave that we went and checked out (Too small and too accessible to be a secret pirate cave in my mind, but still cool). Super hot and super humid day and looked a lot like a jungle (hence my subject line). Cheung Chau also makes a really famous bread roll that you can't get anywhere else. I got it. Pretty good and had red bean paste inside.
This evening we are getting 'Changed Out' by some members in the ward and are headed to Pizza Hut! Pizza Huts here are super nice and sit-down restaurants so it should be pretty good!
Totally off topic but I was thinking this week that I want to study faith. I recalled Brother Morgan giving us a report that he had created on his research of faith when I was a priest. I was wondering if there was anyway that I could get my hands on a copy of that.
Reading in Alma this week and came across Alma 30:34 which is the Chapter about Korihor. Super good and Alma talks about how because all positions in the church, including missionary work, are volunteer, it must be the true church because our 'reward' if you will is the salvation and joy of others. Really applied to me this time as I read that. I will start reading in Matthew with you guys so that we can discuss about seminary chapters.
And I haven't forgotten that Grace's birthday is in a few days! Thats scary to think that she will have a permit... Don't hurt Flash! I sent a package last Friday so hopefully it gets there in time! But Grace, happy birthday! Hope it is a wonderful day for you! I will be thinking about you!
Hope everyone has a good week!
Elder Siebach

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