Monday, April 14, 2014

Conference Weekend and Transfering to Train in My Last Area

Dear friends and family,

I know I'm a week behind all y'all on the conference messages, but I just heard them this past weekend. What a great conference! Seemed like we really need to prepare ourselves to defend and live the faith of our fathers.

I think the message that really had the most impact on me was Elder Richard G. Scott's talk. I felt like he was talking right to me! He shared so much about teaching and helping people find testimonies of Christ. Elder Corbridge reminded us of some great truths of the Restoration. As Elder Uchtdorf said, "Are we sleeping through the Restoration?" I also really appreciated Elder Ballard's talk because he gave great examples of following-up and returning and reporting. These were also important reminders to me as I feel that I could always be doing more to contact and then follow up regularly.  I really think that these three talks together paint a perfect picture of how missionary work should be! Y'all (and I) really need to read and study them!

We had a few investigators that were able to make it to the conference sessions and that was a real blessing for them as well.

Besides the great things I got to hear all this weekend, we also had a solid week here in Tuen Mun. We worked hard on the streets and the Lord blessed us. There was one day in particular where we had to choose between making calls to LA members and invite them to conference or to go finding and we chose the finding. It was blistering hot with no clouds at the time. However, we really put our hearts into it and in about 45 minutes of street contacting we had 2 lessons and 2 new investigators! It really made me stop for a minute and thank God that we were able to show our faith and have him bless us so much.

Out for Korean BBQ
This past week many of the schools in the area have gone on "Easter Break" so many students are out of school which makes finding busier and YM/YW more available to help! It's been a great few days!

Transfers are this week. I've been thinking a lot about my mission thus far, and have just felt that I am staying in Tuen Mun for my last transfer. I had kind of accepted this fact and was excited about the possibilities and some of our investigators we were able to meet with last week and invite to be baptized. Then last night I got a call from President Hawks who asked if I would be willing to train a new missionary. I said I was willing, but then I was very surprised when he told me to pack MY bags. I don't have any more information than this. I take it to mean that I will be opening a companionship but not in Tuen Mun. That's all the information I have. So stay posted until next week...:)
Fun at the Train Museum in TaiPo
Recreating our 2011 Family Photo--haha :)
I hope that conference was a good opportunity of everyone and that if you haven't done it already, commit to Elder Ballard's challenge to own and read Preach My Gospel and make an effort to introduce one person each quarter to the missionaries! It works!

"I invite all members, regardless of your current calling or level of activity in the Church, to obtain a copy of Preach My Gospel...It is a guidebook for missionary work—which means it is a guidebook for all of us. Read it, study it, and then apply what you learn to help you understand how to bring souls to Christ through invitation and follow-up." 

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