Dear Friends and Family,
Hong Kong is wonderful! Totally cooled down a few days ago and it's been raining for about 3 days--50 degrees now!
This past week zoomed right by again. It's been a blessing to be able to spend time with investigators, church services, and taking care of some things in the New Territories Zone. In fact, just this past Saturday we had a Priesthood Leadership Meeting. President Hawks was there and he asked that the Zone Leaders and 2 Sister Training Leaders be in attendance. We were instructed by the Stake President, President Chan, as well as the Area Seventy, President Wong. President Hawks shared a few words too. It was amazing to be in that body of the priesthood and hear the things that were being said. There was a fairly good turn-out and I feel like each person walked away with a bit more resolve to work together with the missionaries. I was impressed with the call to be faithful members. Another topic that was discussed was tithing. In the Stake right now we have 6 wards and next year they have a goal to have two more units. They will split one ward and pull from two other wards to make a third unit. It's a lofty goal, considering how many people are active; especially the number of active, full-tithe paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders. It's very achievable though.
I was impressed also by an exercise we did to help us learn to work together as ward leaders and missionaries. There was a bit of an obstacle course and time limit and so it really forced leaders and missionaries to cooperate. The most impressive part of that meeting was the Spirit that could be felt as the speakers spoke. You could feel that they knew what they were saying was true and that they too were applying these same principles. One of the last things that President Wong mentioned was that we need to spend more time in the scriptures and in the conference talks. He specifically quoted President Packer who mentioned the safety and security found in the scriptures.

help YM and YW learn how to teach the Savior's way. This then had direct cause and effect to the lowering of the mission age and the time that missionaries spend in the MTC. He told us that we too should be teaching in the same format as "Come Follow Me" explains. "This is inspired. This is the Lord's Way;" it is what he said. Love it. Great meeting.
We were able to work really hard this week and stay busy each day with lessons. A few weeks ago President Hawks asked missionaries to consider the effectiveness of meals with members. He wants us to try to invite an investigator or less active to the meal. So, in line with this new standard, when we were invited to a meal this past week we asked the Sister if we could invite our friend J. She was fine with that and so we did. It was a wonderful meal! Good humor, a good message at the end, and to close out the night we sang a hymn. The Spirit was so strong and I think it had a strong impression on J.
The following day we actually met again with J and shared about tithing. It's not an easy commandment to take when you live in such an expensive place as Hong Kong, but he was willing to read the pamphlet and pray to know whether or not he should keep it. We can't ask anything more than that! :) Just have to rely on the Spirit now.
This past week was transfers. No changes in my companionship, however, we have a new Sister, Sister Choi serving with us in Tuen Mun. The other sister is Sister Morgan who I actually knew in Lone Peak back in my Utah days. It will be fun to work with them. We also said goodbye to a handful for Elders and Sisters; including the 3 sisters who were in the MTC with me. It's kinda weird that they are home now!
Really solid things going on here in Hong Kong! We still have 4 baptismal dates and should be extending at least two more this week. Fingers crossed. Christmas is right around the corner and so hopefully more people will be able to schedule! Christmas time is hands down the best time to be a missionary! Miracles are happening! :)
I'm almost out of time! However, two scriptures:
President Wong shared this scripture with me after our priesthood leadership meeting and told me to pay attention to why the man sick of palsy was healed; it wasn't just his faith.
Later, as I was pondering Helaman 1 I started considering what kinds of things come into our lands. Similar to how Coriantumr sends the Lamanites right into Zarahemla and takes the Nephites by surprise. It ends up being the Lamanites downfall too, however, I started thinking about how Satan is coming into our "lands" today, openly attacking things like family and morality/chastity and I could see some parallels there.
Hope all of you are safe and having a wonderful week!
Elder Siebach
P.S. I don't remember if I said this last week or not, but thank you for the package! I just opened my 3rd day of Christmast gift! Great socks :)
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