Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hey There!

Dear Friends and Family, 
Another good week here on the Island! the weather is still very warm, and no Dad, we haven't had any rain in about a month. Literally. Still plenty humid and we've had more sunny days recently than when I first got here. So it sounds like conference was pretty awesome for everybody! Glad to hear it. And yes, my companionship got a text about 2 in the morning on Sunday about the change in age! That's crazy! And as a result it has made me think a lot about the girls my age who could go, but more specifically, Sterling. If he waits that's great. I think that 1 year at BYU made a big difference for me and helped me to grow up a bit. But then again, if it had been me in his shoes I would probably just go at 18. Did Sterling go to Homecoming either? Last I heard it was up in the air. Has it even happened yet?
That's sweet, Dad, that you're working with Porsche! The car looks awesome too! And yes, that weather sounds amazing, but for some reason I can't wrap my head around living in California. Who knows though, maybe.
So a quick update on my week. And unfortunately, my iPod, where I write down all the events that I want to share about in these emails is up in the Mission Office getting Mission approved--basically they take off YouTube and Safari. I regret to say that I still have not quite memorized the First Vision. I thought I would have more time this week to do that but got side-tracked with the million other things that I do for language study, namely reading Preach My Gospel in the Cantonese Romanization, studying flashcards, and working on my Sounds and Tones. Hopefully I can report that done by next week.
To answer Mom's questions, my comp's appendix did not explode and he is doing fine now. However, the last 3 days he's been sick with a fever and cough so we've had to take it kind of easy. Gave me a lot of free time to finish the Book of Mormon and then start and finish "Our Search For Happiness". Subsequently, I woke up this morning with chills, a fever, and a persistant cough...It wasn't enough to dissuade me from attending the temple though! I felt awful the whole time but it was also a good feeling because I got to feel the peace of the temple! It's such a beautiful place and one experience I always look forward to. Sister Bradford was also helping out in the temple when I went! I saw her from afar.
By the way, I was reading in this month's Liahona, and clarified that this same story is in the Ensign. It's called "Helping Youth Have Spiritual Experiences" and the last bold section talks about a woman in Hong Kong. Just wanted y'all to know that the Young Woman's President that they talk about is in my ward! Woot Woot. Anways, it's a good article if you have a few minutes to read it.
Sunday was really good this week! We had 3 investigators and church and afterwards we were able to meet with two of them, L and S. Had a great lesson about the Doctrine of Christ and then afterwards pretty much commited both of them to baptism. L would like to be baptized but unfortunately he leaves next week for Perth to begin his college studies so we're trying to put him in touch with missionaries there. S isn't living in our area, but is L's friend. Really wants to be baptized and we have that one scheduled for November 11th! Not sure if we will do it because we want to try to turn her over to the missionaries that live in her area as soon as L leaves... Still a miracle though! I don't mean to sound boastful, but L was the first person I ever approached in Hong Kong and actually listened. He looked rough from the outside, and my Cantonese was awful. I think I said, "I am a missionary. Do you have interest?" Something bad like that. But we've had a lot of success with him and his 3 friends that he has brought! Truly a miracle!
Sunday morning we go to church in Wanchai still and have Correlation at 8 AM. On our way there this last week our bus was having problems. It stalled 2 times on not so busy roads and then it stalled on the freeway... Kinda scary but the best part is that we pull off to the median and a rescue bus picks us up. The bus was absolutely packed and it looked like a little trail of ants migrating from one to the other! I'm sure it looked funny to anyone driving by.
You'll be happy to know that last week I actually managed to send off some of the letters I've been meaning to write! Sent off 9 of them. Each with a 3 dollar stamp...(that's only like 40 cents each!)
I remembered my camera today! Didn't remember my cord to hook it up to the computer though... It's a good thing I still have like 80 weeks or something to get them all sent off.
So whenever a new mission president comes in things change. Sometimes it takes mission presidents a while to completely figure everything out before they start making decisions. In the last week most of the new rules have come to fruition. I'm trying to be a good sport about it all, and remember that President Hawks is inspired. I'll follow his counsel whether or not I like it and try to like it though.
1. Never split from companion without DL permission (ok, fine).
2. Cannot leave Zone on P-Day without AP permission (hard since zones are so freakin small here!)
3. No Christmas music this year. (Not a huge Christmas music fan anyway).
4. Very few movies are approved. Even some church movies are not. (ok)
5. Never have two elders teaching 2 women (even if one is a fellowshipper) As a result we teach without one. The goal would be 2 investigators, 2 missionaries and one fellowshipper. (Unlikely to happen, but will try).
6. Shorts are only to be used for 7:00-7:30 exercises in the morning. If we have sports nights, or want to go Sports Finding we must wear jeans. As a result, no shorts on P-Day. (That hurts...)
7. Missionaries should not gather on P-Day in groups of larger than 10 (So no more Zone Activities).
So these are now in affect. Suits were going to be worn 24/7 starting on Saturday October Conference to next April Conference, but graciously have been left off until November 1st since it's still so hot here.
We went finding a few times this week and one night I had a lot of success! (I say I because we usually find by ourselves within the same area) i stopped 3 people, had a lesson with one, and had really good conversations with the others and got their telephone numbers! Hopefully we will be able to meet with some of them soon!
As was stated in my parents emails, language success is not necessarily in perfection. And good thing too because I am so far from that! Every day is still hard but I think my talking sounds and tones are doing better. And most of all, I can communicate pretty well.
Since I don't have my notes right in front of me I can't give you guys an absolute reference but I was struck near the very end, when Moroni and his father both talk about how God is still a God of miracles. And they list off miracles and gifts of the spirit. What hit me this week was the gift of tongues. I look at my progress and try not to compare it with other missionaries, and just remember that it is through Jesus Christ and the Spirit that I am able to do any of my speaking. They are the ones that buoy me up and help me and others understand each other.
Well that's all for this week. I'm sure I've left things out, but I hope y'all have a safe week and if anyone else is sick like me that we will all recover soon.
Elder Siebach

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