Monday, July 30, 2012

On the Home Stretch!

Dear friends and family,
Great week here at the MTC! I got a few letters as well as some nice updates from other people's missions--very interesting to hear of other peoples experiences. About now I'm feeling like my mission is the MTC!!! I've been here so long (69 days) that it seems a little weird to me to think about leaving. But don't get me wrong, I'm so so so ready to get out of my 1/2 mile compound... This week we got our travel itinerary and our flight out of Salt Lake at 10:05 to LAX. We get there at 11:00 and fly out of their at 12:55 for HONG KONG!!!! The first is just a quick flight, and the Hong Kong flight is 16 hours! We're all really pumped about it! Since we will depart the MTC at 6:00 there will be no more opportunities to attend the temple, however, I'm betting that I will be able to call around 7:30 or so (8:30 CT)--so be prepared! I should also be able to talk in LAX if we need to, but I imagine I'll be stopping for a bite to eat there so we'll just have to see. Anyway, there is your heads up. I purchased a pre-paid calling card.
This week was a good week for lessons and on Tuesday Zoe committed to be baptized and has a date set for August 4th (This Saturday). Unfortunately we only teach her once this week and so we won't get through the complete lessons before we leave--therefore, no baptism, but we're working for that date nonetheless. Kim's baptism went as well as it could have. Elder Parker conducted, Elder Allen gave a talk on Baptism, and I performed the ordinance. The day of the baptism I spent an hour or two memorizing the Cantonese baptismal prayer, and then of course I go to do the ordinance and blank...I forgot to ask for her full name, and couldn't recall the prayer... So I stopped, asked for her full name, and stumbled through the prayer which thankfully I had written down... It was more embarrassing than anything because immediately after I remember the prayer exactly. Oh, well. At least it was in here and not the field. My companionship also did a special musical number and sang, "There Is Sunshine In My Soul Today". It was pretty good! I'm just grateful that when we sing in Cantonese we don't have to pay attention to the tones!
Speaking of special musical numbers, on Sunday my district and the new Cantonese district (they've been here 4 weeks now) sang "Be Still My Soul" as our final hurrah since next Sunday is Fast Sunday and we won't be able to perform. This also went well and I really enjoyed it--that is my favorite hymn. Speaking of favorites, how is my plaque scripture and plaque looking? I wouldn't mind a picture of my plaque if you could. I really do like my  chosen scripture, but if my plaque isn't made yet, perhaps I could change it? Alma 26:16,35. These two scriptures are the testimony of Ammon and really missionary-esque.
The devotionals were good this week and our Tuesday one was on Pioneer Day so that was kind of the focus and how we as missionaries are modern day pioneers going to lands that are foreign to us, all in the name of our Lord. It was really good and the speaker also related all the material to Come Come Ye Saints--Which by the way, there is a very powerful version done my the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Last night's devotional was given by Brother Swensen who is a missionary services director and he spoke on missionary work through the Book of Mormon and had some great material. I have it all written down in a Devotional/Fireside journal that you can read in two years if you'd like--not enough time to cover everything I need/want to in these emails.
Glad to hear you got my picture card, hope you enjoyed the pictures!
Forgot to mention, this week I also finished the Book of Mormon again! It took me 8 weeks I believe. I'm now reading from there daily still, but doing a concentrated study on Doctrine and Covenants.
I liked your thoughts mom about Helaman and him not complaining in his hardships, he really is a great leader and someone I aspire to be more like. In my studies this week I was primarily in Ether and Moroni and those are both great books to conclude on! There is so much in those pages! One thought I had was the interesting differences and similarities between Nephi and the Brother of Jared--specifically how both are commanded to build vessels. Its interesting to me how the Lord accomplishes the same things with both these groups but he goes about it in slightly different ways and gives them different commandments and guidelines for building the ships. However, through their building of the ships, both groups grew in faith and trust in Heavenly Father and His divine help for them to get to the promised land.
Quickly I'll talk about the MTC as you asked mom. You know, this is a great place, but one I'm not sad to leave and won't be sad to not come back to for a long long time. Maybe when I'm doing couple missions. It's interesting how even though there is such a strict stringent schedule, you can still find ways to  be unproductive and goof off. No one makes you do anything. They just encourage and let you guide yourselves. I didn't expect that when I got here but I'm glad that my companionship has been really good about being 100% in all things. There are many districts that I have seen come and go who don't keep to the specified schedule and I really do think that they suffered or will suffer because of it. Its also very easy to get sick of the MTC. It's very monotonous and at times just boring. I don't want to study Cantonese for 9 hours a day, or whatever else it may be. It's funny to me to see the English speakers come in, stay for 18 days but curse it the whole time because they feel like they've been here for so long. They have no concept of long, but they just aren't worried about a language so they get stir crazy. My strength was that I tried not to think about how much I didn't want to be here, but rather on how this would prepare me for where I will be going. It's easy, especially when you have 12 weeks in here, to just give up and say I've had enough and will coast until I leave. I also dreaded teaching opportunities in the beginning because they were so intimidating to me. And I know it will be even worse when I get to Hong Kong and can't speak, but I always sucked it up and did what I had to do. You need to stick-to-it attitude to be successful here.
We got 3 of the 4 temple names done. (missed one woman's name). Do you want me to send them home? Just let me know. The pants are great, as were the baked goods so thanks!
Thanks for everyones love and prayers, I'll need them especially for the next two weeks.

Elder Siebach

Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 10 Begins!

Dear Friends and Family,
Hello one and all! Hope you all are doing/did well this past week. It was a good week here at the MTC! A little lonely/isolated considering I only got two letters and they both came on Friday, but nonetheless a good week! Today is a big day for my district because it means that we have 1 more P-day, we will be flying two weeks from today, and as of today we have been in the MTC for 2 months exactly (came in May 23rd). So shout hooray for us! This week we got through the 10 commandments and th Law of Chastity with Kim. This week we are planning on the Word of Wisdom and then her baptism! Should be pretty exciting week for us! Zoe is also doing well. Her family is doing better since last week and she is making great progress. We finished up lesson two this week and invited her to be be baptized. She said she wants to but feels a little rushed since we want to do it August 4th (two days before we leave). She is praying about it and this week we will follow up with her and teach the 3rd lesson all about the Doctrine of Christ (my favorite lesson to teach since it's so easy to make applicable to all people.)
My district got to host this past week so that was great! There were 500 new missionaries who came in. Including 118 new sisters--the largest group of incoming sisters that they have had all year.  The first missionary I hosted is going to Singapore Malay speaking, the second was Las Vegas West English, and the thrid was a sister going to Salt Lake City English. The last one was really cool because the people who dropped her off at the MTC were the missionaries that converted her 2 years ago in Wisconsin. It was awesome!  The MTC is now up to 2400 missionaries so meals are more like a chore now as you stand in long lines and can never find room at tables for the district to sit together at. Oh, well. It will be a lot easier in Hong Kong when I'm only looking for two seats.
Devotional Update: On Tuesday we had an awesome devotional! Elder Featherstone (an Emeritus Seventy) spoke to us and shared a number of great stories about his life of service in the church and the need for spirituality. He had a number of great thoughts but shared to quotes that I liked. "Make no small plans, they have no magic upon the souls of men." I took this to mean "go for it". Don't just be average or mediocre. Stretch myself and try to achieve something great. Another great quote was "Spirituality is the greatest gift and talent that one can receive." Knowing the doctrine and being a good orator is important in many ways, but the best thing to have as we teach these foreign concepts to investigators, especially non-Christians like I will teach, is the Spirit. Without the spirit these are just stories. Last night our speaker was Stephen B. Allen who is the  head of the Church missionary department. He comes and is the speaker every 4th Sunday and it was really good last night. He talked about Pioneer day and likened missionaries to modern day pioneers. Our paths are hard and we don't know exactly how it will be, but press forward. He played a recording of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing Come Come Ye Saints--we listened to it once, sang softly a second time, and the third time he asked us to sing with conviction and meaning. It was really spiritual experience to me. Music is like that for me. More so than anything else.
I haven't been getting any of Grandma and Grandpa Beus's letters...Are they forwarding them to me? Or could you? Whatever works. Or give me highlights.
A thought before I leave: I'm almost done with the Book of Mormon and this week got through 3 Nephi, 4 Nephi, and now in Mormon. Two verses that I came across were 3 Nephi 12:48, and 3 Nephi 27:27. Look them up and then compare them to Matthew 5:48. In Matthew Christ says be like the Father. In  12:48 he says himself and the Father, and in 27:27 he says himself. I was pondering on this and this is my thought. I'd appreciate correction if I am wrong or if you have any further insight. But In Matthew I don't think he has been resurrected yet. And in both 3rd Nephi's he has been. Though Christ lived a perfect life while on the earth, his body was not yet perfected and he had not completed his work and become immortal as the Father--therefore be like they Father which is in Heaven. Upon the resurrection and immortal body he had proved to have lived a perfect life and could now teach others to be as he is and as the Father. So what I'm getting at is that the perfect we strive for is not just to act like them but to be like them one day. We desire immortality and that is the final step to perfection. Think about that.
Anyway, love you all and appreciate your prayers in my behalf. I need them all the time but especially these last couple weeks here.
Elder Siebach
P.S.- Elder Park from one of the Keller Wards left this morning so I am the only Colleyville Stake missionary in here at the time.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 9 Begins!

Dear Friends and Family,
Sorry that I have boring subject lines. I don't have anything creative to title these like some Elders do. It was a really good week! In the beginning of the week I got a huge package from Jim and Julie--full of everything a hungry missionary could need! Lots and lots of goodies! So thank you for that! Each night we come back and it gets spread among the missionaries in the hall. Speaking of other food items, I said last week one of the Cantonese teachers moved to New York. He sent out 2 dozen donuts for our district and the other new Cantonese district! Super nice of him.
Here is the Devotional Update: On Tuesday Robert R. Steuer, and Emeritus Seventy spoke to us. He talked about words--the word of God, the doctrine of Christ, and told us about his new project which is translating the Bible into Portuguese. I didn't really understand that part because I thought there was one already, but nonetheless, he picked apart words and talked about their roots and how they convey something different than we actually typically associate them to. All rather scholarly and interesting. He did have a couple good scriptures, one in 2 Corinthians, "The Lord loveth the cheerful giver." I took from this that all trials and sacrifices I make on the mission and in life should be done with full purpose of heart and gladness. He also said, "Any excuse, no matter how valid, weakens character." I've made this a little bit of a personal motto this week and I don't complain too much to begin with, but there are things that I think to complain about so my goal is NO COMPLAINING! Ever. Last nights devotional (Sunday July 15) was incredible! It was given by Jenny Oaks Baker, the daughter of Elder Oaks. I didn't know anything about her, but she is a very accomplished violinist. She shared some great personal stories about working through trials, prayer, and the joys of a family and played 5 pieces for us. "Amazing Grace", "This Is The Christ", "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" and two others that I can't think of off the top of my head. Her whole family was with her as well and her husband bore a short testimony and her 4 kids, ages 11, 9, 7, and 5 played "I Am A Child of God" I was blown away! It wasn't you're typical Primary version either, it was a hard rendition! Great devotional!
Lessons this week: Went really well! We've been teaching Zoe 3 times so far, (4th is tonight) and are through lesson 1 so far. She asks a lot of really good questions so we spend a lot of our lesson talking about what she read, and herself. Her dad is out of work, and we know her brother isn't doing well, we're not exactly sure about what though....The joys of learning a language and that language barrier... She reads and prays daily and attended church this week. This week we hope to get through lesson 2, possibly 3, and try to extend the baptismal commitment if we feel prompted to do so. Our other investigator is Kim. She sprained her ankle really bad last week so that has been a really pain for her. We pray for her and made a lot of progress this week. We got through lesson 2 and 3. She didn't understand why she would need or what the Spirit with her always when it has been answering her questions only when she needs it, so after lots of pondering we related experiences and scriptures of our own, and on Saturday night we extended the baptismal commitment (3rd time) and she said yes!!!!! We practically jumped for joy! All we could say was, "Ngohdeih haih feiseuhng hoisam waih leih!" Direct translation: "We are exceedingly (very) happy for, and in behalf of you!" Cantonese doesn't have 'for' or many filler words for that matter so "waih" functions as "in behalf of" and is what we use. Cantonese language is so backwards from English that if we translate directly is sounds like cavemen talk but it is starting to sound natural to me. A few times this week I found myself saying english phrases with Cantonese grammar.
This week I got letters from a few people so I want to thank you for those and just mention one in particular. I got one from Elder Ryan Rostrom over in Hong Kong! He sent our a postcard and a short letter to me and we all got really excited when we saw the Chinese stamps and characters. One of the members from the older Cantonese district is in his same apartment so they made the connection!
We've had a few rainy days this weekend which have been really good for us because on Friday the whole sky was grey from soot and ash. There must've been a pretty big fire somewhere nearby, the smell is in everything and on our clothes so thank heavens for laundry day.
I told you about the Elder who didn't leave with his district two weeks ago for Australia? Well this past Tuesday morning we sent him off to Mesa while he waits for his visa to come in. That was a rough day...He was up at 4:15, we all had to take him to the bus at 5, and then we got 30 minutes to sleep after that because Tuesday is our 6:05 gym time...
We've been remodeling our residence room a bit. We have 14 pictures that we have collected in our 9 weeks here and we are building a timeline of Book of Mormon events around the window--It might extend further before we leave. Who knows. We're all getting a little bit "trunky". For those who are unfamiliar with this slang as I was until I got here, "trunky" as in pack the trunk or get out of here and get into the mission field!
This week in the mail we were informed that our district had been invited to serve in the temple this morning! We served from 8 to 11:30 and my purpose was wiping down walls of cobwebs, vaccuuming stairs, and finally finished with wiping down chairs in the sealing rooms. It was nice to be in the temple after 3 weeks of not, and it was nice to feel useful! This next week we also get to host new missionaries. Let me know if there are any people I should look out for who are coming in this week. I can't remember anyone's entrance dates anymore.
We will have one last temple time before we are supposed to go to the field so we will do the 4 names that you gave me. Would you like me to send the names home after that or what?
Grace's trip sounds way exciting! She should write me and tell me how long she will be there so that I don't send a letter to an empty home...
I have thought a lot about Sterling's question this week about the Anti-Nephi-Lehis in the book of Alma who choose to lay down their weapons of war for good. t I like to think that they just really didn't want to return to their old selves. Like if you are sinful in some way, and then you clean up, you don't really want to go back because it is a weakness you have. The people of Ammon were much the same way, they were worried they would fall back in their own ways. Look up Helaman 15:4.
Last thing: In personal study this week I got through Alma and am in Helaman now. It's great! But one thing I thought a lot about were the 2000 stripling warriors. (My favorite BoM story). I love that they were so exceedingly valiant and that none of them had experience fighting, but nonetheless they trusted in the Lord. I feel like this is my mission. I don't know what I'm doing, but I can have faith--as taught by my mother-- and can succeed against the enemy. In live application I love how they were all injured too. We go through life and we get injured in various ways. We make mistakes and we bear the scars. But we don't give up. I picture the blade piercing their skin, and them thinking to themselves, "Oh, I'm dead." but instead they say, "I'm going to keep fighting and ignore the threat and pain." At the end of this life I will bear life's scars but I endured to the end and I will have my reward as they did theirs.  They are true role models to me.
Have a great week! Thanks for your prayers and love! I love you all!
Elder Leslie Spencer Siebach

Monday, July 9, 2012

Happy Week 7!

Dear Friends and Family,
Great week here in the MTC! Before I begin with the nitty gritty I want to thank everyone for their letters--Especially the Zimmermans who sent out Bishop Johnson's remarks for Christians funeral. I could feel the spirit and love that had been conveyed in that message. I also want to thank the Tietjen's who sent me a 4.05 LBS brownie via DearElder. I single-handedly ate it...with the help of an entire floor of missionaries (probably about 25 or 30 missionaries). It was huge and really tasty so thank you from all of us to you! I'm going to get fat out here considering how much I sit, eat, study, and don't have enough gym time... Therefore, mom, in answer to your question about my cookie request, I would like either none, or the healthiest, tastiest ones that I can share with all. 
So the grand count is that after today I have 27 days left, and I have been here 47 so far! Chugging right along and getting really excited to leave! The Devotional update:
Elder Kikuchi spoke to us on Tuesday this week! He did such a good job and really drilled into us the importance of showing willingness to follow the missionary way. He mentioned that it is not willingness to get up at 6:30 each morning since that is mandatory, if we were really showing willingness we would get up even 5 minutes before to prepare and make ourselves ready for the day. It made me reflect because I usually get up 5 minutes before but that is so that I can get a shower before they are all taken, so maybe there are some things that I could work on so that I could better show my willingness and resolve to be a great missionary for the Lord. On Wednesday we had another special devotional because it was the 4th of July. For this we had a Brother Stott come a speak to us, he is a local man who has had some responsibilities in the MTC and is a retired judge. He spoke about the miracle of gospel and how it is no coincidence that technology has significantly improved in the time since the Restoration. Wednesday was a bit of an interesting day because it followed a different schedule than is typical for a Wednesday and people didn't know where to be when. So that devotional started at 8:45 but the whole auditorium was full but 8:00 so President Brown led us in singing Happy Birthday to some people (including someone whose birthday is on Christmas), and we all sang and acted out "Once There was a Snowman" and "Popcorn Popping"--I guess it's fine for use to just never grow up :) We also sang to 4 Elders who had received Dear John's while here in the MTC. One of the Elders that went up I recognized as being in my same hall for classrooms and I talked with him afterwards--the letter he showed me was brutal! He laughs at it now but sheesh. I'm glad I went out with no one waiting. After the devotional, which had a number of musical numbers, we then went to the front of the MTC, all got an ice cream bar and watched fireworks until 11:00! It was a blast! I found Elder Park from the stake and he and I talked and hung out during those festivities.
Last night in the fireside we heard from the MTC Administering Director Richard Heaton. He had really timely insights for me about teaching investigators who have no knowledge about prayer, and how they can receive answers. I really appreciated his stories that he shared with us about his recent trip to Japan and sitting in on missionary lessons.
A quick word to dad: keep sending out news on the politics of Hong Kong! We're all blown away and exicted to hear more!
A quick word to mom: I'm super bummed to hear that Lambert Park went up in flames! Hopefully there will be new saplings growing in 2 years when I get back. Every day I dream about going on hikes and mountain biking! Besides missionary work, then and being with family, that is what I want to do most right now.
Elder Christensen and Tietjen leave this week so that leaves me as the only Southlake representative until Tucker the week after I leave! It's fine though because I see plenty of other people from prior wards daily. Speaking of which, Elder Michael Cormier came in this week so it's been nice to see him once in a while!
In my personal study this week I have  spent a lot of time trying to prepare appropriate lessons for our investigators and I think that  we are making really good progress. Daily as a companionship we will practice our lessons in Cantonese as well as one of us will pose an an investigator and the other two of us will work to determine his needs and try and teach a relevant lesson. I feel like I'm taking lots of very little baby steps here. I don't make giant leaps but slowly but surely I feel that I am getting it. I have been blessed with a great love for my investigators already and always pray for them and work to understand them and their concerns. A couple times in the lessons this week we didn't understand what was said but I would be able to pick out a word or two and feel that the Spirit helped me understand the concern because when I answered I could see the investigator's eyes light up with understanding. We've had no baptisms yet, but I think we can get one or two in the near future. Also in my personal study I have come across a few passages that I think are great for missionary work. If you care to read them, they are Alma 38 and Alma 42:31. Alma is a boss!
This Thursday morning as I was doing my personal study before breakfast elderly couple missionaries came up to me and gave me the address of their granddaughter who was falling away from the Church and asked me to write her this week and maybe bear my testimony and try to give comfort to her today so that is on my docket for today.
Oh, and by the way, we got our new district of Cantonese Elders and Sisters this past week! We now have 6 Elders and 4 Sisters learning Cantonese in the MTC! Woot woot! They seem pretty cool so far. Not especially keen to keep to mission rules yet or even be that talkative, but I think that will come with time. It's amazing to me how every district has different dynamics and strengths. 4 of the 5 of them are going to HK, and one elder is going to Sydney Australia.
This past Sunday I also gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. Each week every Elder and Sister is expected to prepare a 3-4 minute talk that they would be able to share if called upon. Well, this week it came. I spoke on the Atonement and felt really good about it! I can't hardly say anything conversational, but I know how to testify and teach the doctrine!
Hope you all have a great week! I will try my best to write back to all of you individually as the time permits! Love you all.
Elder Leslie Spencer Siebach1

Monday, July 2, 2012

First transfer!!

Dear Friends and Family,
Another great week here in the MTC, though we are getting a little anxious to leave. I appreciate the package from my family and the letters from friends that I have recieved--Letters make everyday go just a little bit better. Today being P-day I would usually still be at the temple at this time, however, for the next 3 weeks the temple is being cleaned so it is closed.
You may be wonder what the meaning of my Subject line is, but I thought it was rather clever so here is my explanation: I have just finished week 6 and am now waging war in the midst of week 7. Since a transfer usually happens every 6 weeks, had we been in the field we would have gone through our first transfer already. Not to mention on Thursday afternoon my Zone Leaders (who happen to be my two companions) were called down to the front desk and we were informed that our entire residence building is going to be Sister's Housing starting tomorrow (Tuesday) so we were given a sheet of paper that told us our new building, room, and what time we could move--which was this morning from 7 to 9. We have relocated from Building 3M to the recently renovated 14M and so for all intents and purposes, we have had our first transfer. The sad part about all this is that we have actually really been looking forward to this because our lives are just not that exciting here in the MTC since the Mission Presidents left this past week.
Here is the recap on Devotionals and Firesides:
On Tuesday we had an early devotional (4:30 instead of 7:00). This switch in time sort of messed us all up because most Tuesdays at that time we are in the throngs of Language Instruction and in our classroom. Most people assumed that it would be the Prophet since he was down here all last week, and so they lined up hours in advance. By the grace of God my district got 5 of the last 10 or so seats that were available! It was a stroke of luck! The speaker was L. Tom  Perry and the whole thing was rather different. He got up, an delivered like a 35 minute devotional instead of the typical 50 and spoke entirely of Church statistics and benefits the church had on people's health--Apparently because we regularly fast we are 40% less likely to develop clogged arteries. In his talk he touched subjects of health, relationships, family, education and so forth. I say it was different because it was certainly educational but there was no church doctrine to it and I think that left a lot of people wanting more, especially from an Apostle. It was good nonetheless.
Last night's fireside was awesome! We walked into the large assembly hall and noticed that intead of the typical set up, in the front of the room they had a desk and a chair on the stand. The speaker was Brother Ted Gibbons and he rehearsed an hour monologue about the Prophet Joseph Smith and early church history from the eyes of Willard Richards. It was really really well done and evoked a lot of emotions in all of us as we listened to the detailed accounts about tbe mobs and suffering of the saints. The opening hymn was Joseph Smith's First Prayer and during the closing hymn, Praise To The Man, everyone stood up to show their respect for Joseph Smith the prophet. It was one of the more powerful MTC experiences for me as 2500 missionaries stood side by side and sang--very few dry eyes during it.
This week in our classes we have been doing a lot of the same old and working on refining our techniques in different teaching aspects. Unfortunately our investigator A-Hei has moved away so we will no longer be teaching him. We are keeping Kim, and tonight we have our first lesson with a new investigator named Zoey. Coincidentaly, or maybe not, we also lost a teacher this week and will have a new teacher named Jeung Jimouhi (Sister Jeung). I'm going to miss our old teacher Brother Jackson, but oh well, nothing wrong with a 5th new teacher now... Maybe we scare them all off or something.
I hope that Grace and Sterling had a lot of fun at EFY and that dad's pedometer is working well...haha, I may need one for myself. New friends of mine come every week and this week I found Elder Rodeback (Pat Patterson) and took a picture with him. I'm going to send my SD card home to you soon and would ask you to upload the photos. I can try to tell you who is who if you want to write captions. I would also ask that you wipe it after you save all the pics because I have a lot on there from music concerts that I went to and videos that probably shouldn't be on there...
Apparently there are some wildfires raging through Utah? All I know is that the sky is often very hazy and there is a strong smell of smoke in the air. Once in a while we'll find ash floating through the air. Its incredible to go on a temple walk and when you reach the top of the hill you look out over the valley and can't see Utah lake or the mountains through the haze. Can't see any actual fires though. Sometimes the smell is so strong that we smell it through our air conditioning and it wakes us up at night.
This Thursday night, or Friday morning rather at midnight was our Hump minute! We are now more that halfway through the MTC endeavor! Its all down hill from here baby! I can't believe that Chris Tietjen and Derek Christensen leave me a week from today! Atleast Elder Park can be my Colleyville Stake buddy. Speaking of which, because there are no other Elder misionaries for me to go with when my companions have Zone meetings, I often have to go with my companions and welcome new districts that will be in our zone. This week we had a zone of Las Vegas missionaries come in. Among them is an Elder Pauni from one of the Euless wards. I never knew him in Texas but we're friends out here now. Elder Michael Cormier comes in this Thursday so that is something to look forward to! As well as the 4th of July! I have to see if I can find a red/white/and blue tie that someone will lend me or something so I can go patriotic.
Hope you have a great week! Thank you for all your prayers! They have strengthened me a lot, especially this last week which was slightly more overwhelming than weeks past. But 1 Nephi 3:7, "I can do all things"! I know I can, and I know the Lord can help me learn what appears to be an unlearnable language.
That reminds me of another thing, in TRC this past week we taught two lessons. The first lesson was pure gold and the second was not at all! We started with the same question which was, "What is most important to you in your life?" and the first group responded and understood the question and the second group didn't understand it at all! We couldn't, still can't figure it out! Oh, well. Better luck next week I guess. God be with you!
Elder L. Spencer Siebach.